• Mental Illness

    Moving Forward

    I love house hunting. Whether it be looking at show homes, looking for new places to rent or even watching people house hunt on television, there’s something about the excitement and potential a new place brings that captivates me. This…

  • Uncategorized

    Keep Climbing

    When I was on disability before, I spent a lot of time on Facebook and Instagram. It was my way of trying to keep up with what was happening outside of my house, where I was being held prisoner by…

  • Mental Illness

    The Big “D”

    Today marks the start of my second round of Extended Disability. I was taken off work yesterday indefinitely. I tried my hardest to make it work, but the load was too much for me to bear. Some people have asked…

  • Mental Illness

    Can I Still Do This?

    As I sit here, staring at the meme above, I’m literally so exhausted that all I can do is think, “Can this meme just be my blog post?!” I’ve been staring at the blinking cursor and my blank page and…