Moving Forward
I love house hunting. Whether it be looking at show homes, looking for new places to rent or even watching people house hunt on television, there’s something about the excitement and potential a new place brings that captivates me. This…
Keep Climbing
When I was on disability before, I spent a lot of time on Facebook and Instagram. It was my way of trying to keep up with what was happening outside of my house, where I was being held prisoner by…
The Big “D”
Today marks the start of my second round of Extended Disability. I was taken off work yesterday indefinitely. I tried my hardest to make it work, but the load was too much for me to bear. Some people have asked…
Can I Still Do This?
As I sit here, staring at the meme above, I’m literally so exhausted that all I can do is think, “Can this meme just be my blog post?!” I’ve been staring at the blinking cursor and my blank page and…
Just Keep Swimming
Today marked my 4th day back at work since my 8 month Extended Disability Leave. I so desperately wish that I could come on here and say that its been a breeze and I was able to pick up where…
The Big RTW
“Beautiful girl, you were made to do hard things, so believe in yourself.” These are the words that filled my screen after my 5am Google Search “quotes on doing hard things”. I woke up early filled with anxiety. Today was…
Am I Still Significant?
When I started writing this blog, I was in the middle of a severe Mental Illness Crisis. My goal was to share what it is like to live with an Invisible Illness. I desperately wanted others to understand what I…
Turning Anxiety Into Something Positive
Have you ever been told you’re ready for something, but deep down, you’re not so sure you are? Perhaps it was the first time you rode your bike without training wheels, or jumped into the pool without your parent catching…
Learning to Feel Again
If you were to ask me what my favorite Disney/Pixar movie is, I would have a really hard time picking. I mean, Lion King is just a classic that has amazing characters and music, Finding Nemo is adorable, but the…
When You Don’t Know How You Are
I’ve been trying for a week to articulate the emotions and thoughts that I’ve been experiencing lately, but each time I write a few paragraphs and get stuck. Nothing seems to feel right. And while I really am only writing…