• Mental Illness

    The Big RTW

    “Beautiful girl, you were made to do hard things, so believe in yourself.” These are the words that filled my screen after my 5am Google Search “quotes on doing hard things”. I woke up early filled with anxiety. Today was…

  • Mental Illness

    Am I Still Significant?

    When I started writing this blog, I was in the middle of a severe Mental Illness Crisis. My goal was to share what it is like to live with an Invisible Illness. I desperately wanted others to understand what I…

  • Mental Illness

    Turning Anxiety Into Something Positive

    Have you ever been told you’re ready for something, but deep down, you’re not so sure you are? Perhaps it was the first time you rode your bike without training wheels, or jumped into the pool without your parent catching…

  • Mental Illness

    Learning to Feel Again

    If you were to ask me what my favorite Disney/Pixar movie is, I would have a really hard time picking. I mean, Lion King is just a classic that has amazing characters and music, Finding Nemo is adorable, but the…

  • Mental Illness

    Haven’t Seen it Yet

    The one “problem” I’ve encountered with sharing my story for all to read is I get a lot more people asking how I am doing. When I first started blogging, this used to bug the heck out of me because…

  • Mental Illness

    Staying Alive IS Enough

    A few days ago, I was scrolling through Facebook when something stopped me dead in my scroll. There is a Facebook Page called, “Staying Alive is Not Enough”. Now, please know that I am not here to shame a page…

  • Mental Illness

    An Army of Rescuers

    I’ve been holding onto this post now for a while. I originally wrote it over a month ago, but felt in my heart it wasn’t the right time to post it. But today, I feel like it is right. I…

  • Mental Illness

    The Only Way Out is Through

    When I first began Trauma Therapy, my therapist told me, “The only way out is through”. As in, the only way to heal was to go back and go through the feelings and emotions I’d neglected at the time. When…

  • Mental Illness

    Celebrating Small Victories Within Darkness

    There are some days when the darkness is just so strong, it inhibits everything that I do. Sleeping is difficult, getting out of bed is difficult, feeding myself is difficult, staying focused is difficult, let alone doing all the things…