• Mental Illness

    Fight On, Fighter

    Wednesday morning I had a therapy appointment. I left feeling good, despite having to recall another one of my childhood traumas. I left with tears in my eyes, but was able to ground myself quickly with music and my journal…

  • Mental Illness

    I Won’t Go Speechless

    I have always loved music. I love the rhythmic comfort it provides. I love the way it can calm, soothe, pump me up or explain my feelings when I’m at a lack for words. I love the way artists can…

  • Mental Illness

    The Power of Vulnerability

    One thing I’ve really struggled with is being vulnerable with people. After enduring years of trauma and abuse, I don’t trust people easily. In my experience, whenever I’ve opened up to someone, they have used it against me; whether that…

  • Mental Illness

    Don’t Fake Good.

    It’s been over a week since my last post. Since then, I’ve been trying so hard to come up with something encouraging to share, because that’s what people like to read. As soon as I become real about how I’m…

  • Mental Illness

    One Bleeder at a Time

    I don’t know how many times I’ve sat down with my phone or computer and tried to articulate how I’m feeling in the past three days. I have so many thoughts stirring within me that I’m having trouble sorting them…

  • Mental Illness

    Finding Strength within the Confusion

    I have always loved words. I’ve loved putting them together to compose something meaningful and watching how others use them to be inspiring. I’ve always had a quiet spirit, where I’d rather sit and write about what’s happening and how…